Avionics include a wide range of electronics used on aircraft – from navigation and communication to the management and display of thousands of functions necessary to operate an aircraft. Whether it’s a simple searchlight or a more complex landing gear management system, the optimal performance of each component is essential.
Setting the standard for Avionics and Air Data testing, Laversab provides a wide range of testing equipment, including Avionics RF and Air Data Test Sets, making them the only manufacturer to produce both these testing solutions. Founded in 1982, they have been providing reliable and innovative products to the aviation industry for decades while constantly evolving their technology and ensuring that they set the benchmark for cutting-edge testing equipment. Furthermore, Laversab also offers an industry-leading warranty and support through a network of service centres across the globe.
This multifunction Avionics Radio Test System (ARTS) is designed to perform the following standard tests:
● Radio Communications (AM / FM / HF SSB / SelCal and VDL Mode 2)
● Navigation Systems (VOR / ILS / Marker Beacon)
● Distance Measuring Equipment
● Mode S
● ATRCBS Mode A & C
● UAT (978Mhz)
● Emergency Location Transmitters (121.5 / 243 & 406 Mhz)
● GPS Signal Simulation
It can be controlled wirelessly from inside the cockpit or around the aircraft using an intuitive and simple touchscreen. Ipad GUI. The ARTS-7000 is suitable for use on all aircraft systems from Helicopters and General Aviation to Commercial Airliners, and is designed to help simplify aircraft testing and reduce time to test and upfront costs.
For more information on the complete Laversab range of test equipment, designed and priced for all segments of the aviation market, contact Intercal, the official sub-Saharan distributor for Laversab Avionics RF and Air Data Test Equipment.