Model 6600-M4

The Model 6600-M4 is a 3-channel system designed to test military aircraft with AoA / AoS / SmartProbe™️ capability. The tester has one Static output (Ps1), one Pitot output (Pt) and a third output (Ps2) which can be used to simulate either AOA or AOS. It is used to perform leak checks and RVSM accuracy checks on the Pitot-Static systems – including altimeters, airspeed/Mach indicators, VSI’s, air data computers, autopilots – and can be done at low airspeeds. The 6600-M4 can be tested from the cockpit. The tester includes built-in vacuum and pressure pumps and emergency manual bleed-down valves. It can use “profiles” to run through an entire test range using a single key.

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Pressure Function

Range: 0.1 to 42 inHg

Resolution: 0.0001 inHg

Accuracy: ±0.002 inHg

Units: inHg mbar

Pressure Rate

Range: 0 to 30 inHg/min

Resolution: 0.001 inHg/min

Accuracy: ±1% of rate

Units: pressure-units/min

Altitude Function

Range: -4000 ft to 80,000 ft

Resolution: 1 ft


  • ± 2 ft @ 0 ft
  • ± 6 ft @ 35,000 ft
  • ± 12 ft @ 50,000 ft
  • ± 50 ft @ 80,000 ft

Units: feet, meters

Climb Function

Range: 0 ft/min to ±50,000 ft/min

Resolution: 1 ft/min

Accuracy: ±1% of rate of climb

Units: ft/min, meters/sec

PORT 2 (Ps2)

Pressure Function

Range: 1 to 42 inHg (±30 inHG Diff. to Ps1)

Resolution: 0.001 inHg

Accuracy: ±0.002 inHg

Units: inHg mbar

Pressure Rate

Range: 0 to 30 inHg/min

Resolution: 0.001 inHg/min

Accuracy: ±1% of rate

Units: pressure-units/min

Altitude Function

Range: -4000 ft to 80,000 ft

Resolution: 1 ft


  • ± 2 ft @ 0 ft
  • ± 6 ft @ 35,000 ft
  • ± 12 ft @ 50,000 ft
  • ± 6 ft @ 35,000 ft
  • ± 50 ft @ 80,000 ft

Units: feet, meters

Climb Function

Range: 0 ft/min to ±50,000 ft/min

Resolution: 1 ft/min

Accuracy: ±1% of rate of climb

Units: ft/min, meters/sec

Airspeed Function

Range: 0 to 500 knots

Resolution: 0.1 knots


  • ± 0.3 knots @ 50 knots
  • ± 0.16 knots @ 100 knots
  • ± ± 0.05 knots @ 500 knots

Units: knots, km/hr

Rate of change: 0 to 500 knots/min


Pressure Function

Range: 0.1 to 100 inHg

Resolution: 0.001 inHg

Accuracy: ±0.003 inHg

Pt Units: inHg, mbar, EPR

Qc Units: inHg, mbar

Pressure Rate

Range: 0 to 30 inHg/min

Resolution: 0.001 inHg/min

Accuracy: ±1% of rate

Units: pressure-units/min (EPR in inHg/min)

Airspeed Function

Range: 0 to 1000 knots

Resolution: 0.1 knots


  • ± 0.5 knots @ 50 knots
  • ± 0.25 knots @ 100 knots
  • ± 0.05 knots @ 650 knots

Units: knots, Mach, km/hr, mph

Airspeed Rate

Range: 0 to 800 knots/min

Resolution: 0.1 knots/min (0.01 km/hr/sec)

Accuracy: ±2% of rate

Units: knots/min, km/hr/min, mph/min

Mach Function

Range: 0.0 to 5.0 Mach

Resolution: 0.001 Mach

Accuracy: ±0.001 above 0.2 Mach


Power Requirement

90-260 VAC, 47-440 Hz, 250 VA (350 VA w/ heaters)

External Interfaces

RS232 Serial, IEEE-488 (optional), Encoder (optional)

Dimensions & weights

Main unit: 22” x 14” x 9” / 48 lbs

Remote unit: 7” x 8” x 2” / 1 lb

Environmental Specs

Operating temp: 0°C to 50°C

Heaters (optional): -40°C to 50°C

Storage temp: –25°C to 75°C

Humidity: 5 to 100%

Laversab Inc.

Innovation is built into our culture
Founded in 1982, Laversab began as a key supplier to governments worldwide for high accuracy, pressure calibration instrumentation. As an audited and approved subcontractor to the United States Department of Defense, Laversab supplies highly rugged, military-specification products for the US Air Force and US Navy, as well as other government agencies. Today, most major aircraft manufacturers, airlines and certificated repair stations across the country and the world are also Laversab customers.
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